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Top tips when cooking with almond milk

Almond Facts | Health + Lifestyle

Top tips when cooking with almond milk

Today more people than ever are turning to milk alternatives, and there are plenty…
Does almond milk contain calcium?

News + Events | Health + Lifestyle

Does almond milk contain calcium?

Milk is everywhere. You can find it in every supermarket and corner shop, and…
What are the health benefits of almond milk?

News + Events | Health + Lifestyle | Almond Facts

What are the health benefits of almond milk?

Almond milk is no trendy fad, it’s an amazing milk alternative that’s here to…
Almond milk Vs cow’s milk

Health + Lifestyle | Almond Facts

Almond milk Vs cow’s milk

Soy, rice, coconut, cashew… there are lots of different types of milk out there…
How much protein do I need?

Health + Lifestyle

How much protein do I need?

It goes without saying that protein is an important part of a healthy diet.…
4 easy ways to switch to a dairy-free diet

Health + Lifestyle

4 easy ways to switch to a dairy-free diet

Thinking of going dairy-free? A dairy free diet is good for milk allergies, supports…

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