- Welcome to Goodness+ -

Here at Blue Diamond our almonds are grown by us, and only us.  We believe they’re the best nuts in the world – not only are they delicious, they’re also bursting with goodness too. And right here we share that goodness with you, from inspirational lifestyle tips to healthy eating ideas to interesting facts. Take a peek… you’ll be amazed at what our wonderful little almonds can do.

Almond milk Vs cow’s milk

Health + Lifestyle | Almond Facts

Almond milk Vs cow’s milk

Soy, rice, coconut, cashew… there are lots of different types of milk out there…
How much protein do I need?

Health + Lifestyle

How much protein do I need?

It goes without saying that protein is an important part of a healthy diet.…
4 easy ways to switch to a dairy-free diet

Health + Lifestyle

4 easy ways to switch to a dairy-free diet

Thinking of going dairy-free? A dairy free diet is good for milk allergies, supports…

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