Almond milk Vs cow’s milk

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Soy, rice, coconut, cashew… there are lots of different types of milk out there and the choice can sometimes be overwhelming. To help you decide which type of milk is the one for you, we have taken a look into the (current) public favourite – cow’s milk – and compared it to another milk we know all about, the ever-growing-in-popularity almond milk. But before we start comparing, let’s take a closer look at each kind of milk.

Traditional cow’s milk

Cow’s milk is rich in protein and offers a good source of calcium. Opt for the organic variety and you get even more healthy omega-3 fatty acids, an important nutrient that helps with major body functions. Organic milk is also less likely to be exposed to pesticides and antibiotics than regular skimmed, semi-skimmed or whole fat cow’s milk.

Most standard off-the-shelf cow’s milk is also homogenised. This will usually occur after the pasteurisation process and involves forcing the milk through the tapered tubes to break down the fat molecules. The process ensures the cream does not rise to the top, makes the milk easier to digest and gives it a longer shelf life.

Almond milk

Almond milk is the most popular cow’s milk alternative. Being full of healthy nutrients, low in calories, low in saturated fat and full of vitamin E, it’s easy to see why. For those that are vegan, lactose intolerant or simply don’t like the taste of cow’s milk, almond milk offers a healthier and tasty alternative. Just like cow’s milk there are various forms of it too. Our own range includes Almond Breeze® Original, Almond Breeze® Unsweetened, and our Almond Breeze® Barista Blend.

Almond milk VS cow’s milk

It’s not really about whether one type of milk is better than the other, it’s about which milk is better for your individual needs. For example, vegans and those that are lactose intolerant are going to say almond milk for obvious reasons. And because almond milk is lower in calories than most types of cow’s milk, almond milk is often described as a lighter option.

Many people believe that cow’s milk contains a lot more calcium than almond milk. When really, there’s hardly any difference. On average there’s 124mg of calcium in whole milk versus 120mg of calcium in almond milk*. Amazing right? As well as being a source of calcium, almond milk is bursting with other benefits too. Almond milk is full of vitamin E which is essential for maintaining healthy skin and eyes, and also helps to strengthen the body’s natural defences against illness. For those that can drink both cow’s milk and almond milk, the decision might be based more on which vitamins and minerals they value or feel they need more.

Then there’s the matter of taste. Both cow’s milk and almond milk are creamy, but almond milk has a pleasant nutty flavour that differs from cow’s milk. In Almond Breeze®, that flavour comes from the almonds we lovingly grow ourselves all year round. Why not try for yourself and tell us what you think on our Facebook page?

*Based on 100ml serving


Information from Goodness+ is not intended to be used for medical purposes or as a substitute for professional medical or health advice.

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